Molecular Biology & Biochemistry
Our laboratories are well-equipped to carry out high-quality molecular biology and biochemistry studies.

Our microfluidics devices enable trapping and culturing a small number or unique algal cells. We combine microscopy with chlorophyll-a fluorescence measurements that provide valuable information on changes in photosynthetic activity on a timescale of days.

Thermo Q Exactive Focus (Orbitrap)
We are endeavoring to establish metabolomics to study the metabolism and transport of ascorbate and other biomolecules and the physiology of H2 production by green algae.

Thermoluminescence is an exciting technique to study primary photosynthetic processes, water-splitting in particular.

Chlorophyll a fluorescence
We employ both direct (OJIP) and modulated chlorophyll a fluorescence techniques to explore photosynthesis.

Plant and alga growth facilities
We have photobioreactors and climate chambers to grow algae and plants under standardized conditions.